Friday, August 20, 2010

QT-10005 - Philippians 4:19

Philippians 4:19

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

I said this Quiet Time verses should be daily but I was unable to post for 2 straight days, so to all those who silently follow Baul's Quiet Time - I am sorry. This past few days have been very difficult for me. I am still trying to finish the latest project that was given to me. Okay enough of this. Let us go to our Quiet Time verse for today.

While in prison, this letter from Paul encouraged a lot of Christians during those times. I can hardly imagine myself being in prison and trying to encourage other people especially outside prison. It is those people in prison who truly needs encouragement yet Paul does the opposite.

My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus - Noel. Yes, I said it and not Paul and that is the beauty of the Bible - you can claim God's words (probably not all hehe!). It is timely that this verse was given to me because our company is in crisis right now. Three (3) months of unpaid salary  - (what else can you think of?) and this made me think of leaving the company already or find a new one. I admit that I am not at peace lately but whenever I think of Him, I know in my heart He will provide. I'm still looking for new job offers but while I'm here, I'll continue to trust in Him that He will provide our needs coz He really does provide - and this is my testimony.

To summarize, the Bible is teaching us to trust God like how Paul trusted God during his jail time. So this is me being Paul. Trust God. He will supply your needs.

God bless us all.