Saturday, September 10, 2016

From a Blissful Sleep

It's been ages since I've blogged again. Do I still know how to blog? Well, I guess so. I don't even know if there are still people reading my stuffs here. Anyways, my absence in blogging made me feel quite less confident in blogging now but I feel that this newly found interest will best help me and my family with regards to financial education. Yes, financial education or financial literacy. If you know how to manage your money, believe me it's more help than earning more profit from extra jobs but combine them and you make more profits.

Anyways, this blog is still about family, being an OFW, spiritual and with a brand new tag or label called "financial literacy". Coz I believe that Filipinos need a lot of information on how they can manage their money and how they (you) can earn for the future. I'm not saying I am there already but we are trying to do that - with the support of my wife of course.

This is a bit too late I know coz I've seen a lot of OFWs leaving their post after they've been relieved of their job. Like recently, the mass termination of expatriates here in Saudi Arabia on most construction companies like in Bin Laden group. My previous company also got hit hard and most of its manpower was ordered to be sent home. Now, there were thousands of Filipinos that went along with them. Some of them were just new but some were already working for a few years while others could probably be ages already. Now, if only these people were trained or educated of Financial Literacy so they'll know that there are other means of income. Specially to those who have been here for a long time, if they have prepared earlier then they would have been secured already even if they lost their job. Financial literacy education is a must for all Filipinos, I even believe that it should be in our school subjects.

So that is it for now. See you in the future post - about FINANCIAL LITERACY. Believe me, it will help you or could change your family's life forever. I think I need a new layout for this blog.