Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Quick Pictorial with Noah

While I was tidying up things in the living room, I saw Ize's old pair of shades that looked like a goggles or pilot goggles so an idea came to me. I think it will look great on Noah and while he is wearing his Kuya Ize's old leather (not really) jacket. So after I gave him a bath, I let him wore his Kuya Ize's old jacket and the pair of shades. I took pictures using my Nikon D90 and the pictures are just below. I only posted the best ones.

By the way, to all my non-Filipino readers, kuya means older brother. I am just a hobbyist in photography but not on career level or professional so I am open to any suggestion if you have any. By the way I used an AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D lens. My model is Noah Caleb Libed Ablon, a 1 year old cute boy who is turning 2 on Nov 11.

I feel so proud just by watching him pose for me. Made me thank God for a great blessing He gave me. That's all folks!